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working to improve commercial practice, especially in procurement and regulated industries


Changing Procurement

One of the fundamental issues with procurement and engagement with the supply chain is doing what we have always done and expecting a different result.


map is about changing this industry wide problem, enhancing our understanding and use of strategic procurement.


The 3c's

To change, we must reset our approach. The 3c's of change, creation and capability offer us a way to define a strategic approach, allow us to improve the way we deliver outcomes, define an enhanced service and drive out more value for our businesses.


To turn the 3c's into reality, we have created the map GRID.


The map GRID

A way of visualising the maturity levels required to deliver enhanced strategic procurement practice, the map GRID brings together the range of unique tools and approaches that constitute map.


Working through the three maturity levels as an individual or organisation, capability, change or creation tools can be deployed on their own or as part of an enhancement programme.

Want to learn more?

We are here to assist. 

© 2020 by map

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